The men and women glimpsed in Lahens's stories are confronted with the overwhelming task of simply staying alive. "The Survivors" unfolds under the Duvalier dictatorship and, centered on a group of men who dream of somehow striking out against the regime, shows how fear is passed down from generation to generation. Life is no simpler in the post-Duvalier world of the title story, in which a young man is caught between a mother who lives a devout life filled with self-imposed restrictions and an exuberant Vodouist aunt who makes no apologies for working in the black market. The twelve-year-old girl who narrates "Madness Had Come with the Rain" finds herself swept up in a violent riot following the death of a modern Robin Hood. Lahens' women, although they may act as the poto mitan (or "central pole") in family life and society, experience a particularly grim fate. In the eviction tale "And All This Unease" a beautiful girl reminisces about her happy childhood in the country in order to forget her current life as a prostitute.
Teaching College Students to Read Analytically: An Individualized Approach
R. Serv . 3d 1368 771 , 804 A.2d 889 ( 2002 ) —7 : 10 , ( 10th Cir . 1993 ) -1 : 63 , 2:18 7:23 Bowne of New York City , Inc. v . Berkley and Co. , Inc. , In re , 629 F.2d AmBase Corp. ... 2 : 6 , 2:18 Brennan v . Western Nat . Mut .
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Summarizes important legal cases dealing with the Constitution, judicial power, war powers, federalism, taxes, state economic regulation, due process, and executive power
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Morris also sees that the great risks associated with selective incapacitation ... and Hain , 1982 ) ; Wright Williams and Kent S. Miller , “ The Role of Personal Characteristics in Perceptions of Dangerousness , " Criminal Justice and ...
See LARRY SABATO , PAC POWER ( 1984 ) ( showing that only 17 % of corporate PACs do any shareholder solicitation ) ; Bernadette A. Budde , Business - Related Political Action Committees , 3 J. L. & POLITICS 440 , 456 ( 1987 ) . 48.
Reform of Civil Procedure: Essays on the Woolf Report
McInnes , 338 F.3d 1221 , 1227 ( 11th Cir.2003 ) ( modification may be 54 . See Prudential Ins . Co. v . National Park warranted where significant time has passed Med . Ctr . , Inc. , 413 F.3d 897 , 903 ( 8th Cir.2005 ) . since order ...
Property: An Introduction to the Concept and the Institution