Diagrams and instructions show how to repair furniture, appliances, cameras, slide projectors, cars, bicycles and camping equipment
Covering everything from replacing faulty faucets to curing the quirks of an air conditioner, this book provides step-by-step illustrated instructions for any home project, plus a comprehensive chapter on tools, in a resource that includes ...
'Reader's Digest' Repair Manual: The Complete Guide to Home Maintenance
Includes how to: Repair, clean, and maintain anything and everything in and around your home.
Throughout the book Roy Berendsohn, Popular Mechanics’ senior home editor, answers questions about the trickiest fix-its, including how to deal with recurring ceiling cracks or get rid of that stench from the kitchen sink.
1. Know your home -- 2.
Covering key topics, this handy little guide includes advice that spans from surprising tips for dealing with a crisis to surefire suggestions for remembering names.
The Ultimate Guide to Home Repair and Improvement also includes a remodeling guide and a resource guide. Top to bottom, inside and out, this is the single, ultimate resource book for home projects and repairs.
Canadian Automobile Association, Reader's Digest Association (Canada). Project Editors Wade A. Hoyt , SAE lan Walker Associate Editors Paul Ahrens Horst D. Dornbusch Therese L. Hoehlein Angus McPherson Laidlaw , SAE Susan Parker John ...
Based on the "How a House Works" column from "Family Handyman" magazine, this volume offers essential information on a house's structure, function, and systems
This complete revamping of what is perhaps the champion of do-it-yourself guides, surveying almost everything under your roof and some of what lies beyond, has managed to retain all of...