Wang Lang, a simple peasant farmer, takes as a wife a battered slave girl who becomes an indomitable, loyal woman. Working the land together, they prosper and increase their holdings, yet Wang eventually betrays his family and neglects the earth he had worshipped.
A Chinese peasant overcomes the forces of nature and the frailties of human nature to become a wealthy landowner.
The family’s story continues in Sons and A House Divided, when the Revolution sweeping through China further unsettles Wang Lung’s family in this rich and unforgettable portrait of a family and a country in the throes of widespread ...
DIVThe second installment in Pearl S. Buck’s acclaimed Good Earth trilogy: the powerful story of three brothers whose greed will bring their family to the brink of ruin/divDIV Sons begins where The Good Earth ended: Revolution is sweeping ...
Pearl Buck tells the heart-seaching and tender story of a young Chinese girl's troubled acceptance of an alien way of life, with all its sorrows and rewards.
One of the twentieth century’s most extraordinary Americans, Pearl Buck was the first person to make China accessible to the West.
A Chinese peasant overcomes the forces of nature and the frailties of human nature to become a wealthy landowner.
The authors emphasize three scientific themes: scientific literacy, Earth science and the human experience and the science of global change.
Casey Kellar, the founder of RainShadow Labs and RainCountry Naturals, is also the author of The Natural Beauty and Bath Book and Natural Cleaning for Your Home.
Neither could have foreseen the transformation of the little American girl embarrassed by her blonde hair into the Nobel Prize-winning writer and one of China's modern heroines, Pearl S. Buck.
Soil , 1898–1937 ( Berkeley : University of California Press , 1986 ) ; Stirling , Pearl Buck : A Woman in Conflict ... Pearl S. Buck to Grace and Vincent Buck ( March is , 1919 ) , Randolph - Macon Woman's College archives . 45.