In a world desperate to comprehend and address what appears to be an ever-enlarging explosion of violence, this book provides important insights into crucial contemporary issues, with violence providing the lens. Violence: Analysis, Intervention, and Prevention provides a multidisciplinary approach to the analysis and resolution of violent conflicts. In particular, the book discusses ecologies of violence, and micro-macro linkages at the local, national, and international levels as well as intervention and prevention processes critical to constructive conflict transformation. The causes of violence are complex and demand a deep multidimensional analysis if we are to fully understand its driving forces. Yet in the aftermath of such destruction there is hope in the resiliency, knowledge, and creativity of communities, organizations, leaders, and international agencies to transform the conditions that lead to such violence.
"--Terry Eagleton, The London Review of Books "A one-person culture mulcher . . . a fast-forward philosopher of culture for the post-war period.
Violence comes neither easily nor automatically. Antagonists are by nature tense and fearful, and their confrontational anxieties put up a powerful emotional barrier against violence.
But when the Violence erupts, Chelsea creates a plan to liberate herself and her daughters once and for all.
Rena Lederman , personal communication . 15. ... Candace J. Wayne , " Working on Woman Abuse : Confronting The Present - Future Goals , " keynote address , Woman Abuse : A Working Conference for the Midwest , Chicago , 23-24 April 1979 ...
This is an honest and insightful discussion of domestic violence from the perspective of a police officer who has experienced it in his home and encountered it professionally.
Graham-Bermann, S.A., Cutler, S. E., Litzenberger, B. W., & Schwartz, W. E. (1994). Perceived conflict and violence in ... Hanson, C. L., Henggeler, S. W., Harris, M.A., Cigrang, J. A., Schinkel, A. M., Rodrigue, J. R., & Klesges, R.
Explores the different facets of how austerity in Britain is a form of institutional violence
In October 2016, when Trump's presidential campaign seemed doomed, Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee County—an ardent Trump supporter— tweeted a call for “pitchforks and torches,” accompanied by a picture of an angry, threatening mob.
Grove , W.M. , E.D. Eckert , L. Heston , T.J. Bouchard , N. Segal , and D.T. Lykken 1990 Heritability of substance abuse and antisocial behavior : A study of monozygotic twins reared apart . Biological Psychiatry 27 : 12931304 .
The wide range of topics include: *Prostitute and client violence *Violence amongst young people at school and on the streets *Violence in bars and nightclubs *Violence in prison *Racist and homophobic violence This book will be fascinating ...