1. Light in dark places. -- 2. The philanthropist in the United States. -- 3. The society for the Reformation of juvenile delinquents. -- 4. The first house of reguge....
Prentice Hall s Masters Series in Criminology brings the work of true masters to life for a new audience of readers, presenting brief and accessible introductions to crime and criminology...
The United States has seen rapid proliferation of youth gangs since 1980. During this period, the number of cities with gang problems increased from an estimated 286 jurisdictions with more...
Delinquency in Society: A Child-centered Approach
For nearly a decade the most comprehensive account of delinquency prevention and control efforts, this popular textbook has been thoroughly revised to cover all major recent trends in the field....
Fixing a Broken System: Preventing Crime Through Intervention : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Youth Violence of the Committee on...
``يجزأ الكتاب إلى فصول ثلاثة: الفصل الأول: أسس السياسة الجنائية في الوقاية من الانحراف والجنوح.وبدوره قسمته إلى مباحث ثلاثة، خصص الأول للوقاية من التشرد وانحراف السلوك. أما الثاني فقد تناول...
Authors from Australia (John Braithwaite, Christine Parker), Europe (Lode Walgrave, Klaus Sessar, ElmarWeitekamp) and North America (Gordon Bazemore, Ray Corrado, Barry Feld, Curt Taylor Griffiths, Susan Guarino-Ghezzi, Russ Immarigeon, Andrew...
Reforming Juvenile Justice in America: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Crime of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives,...