Grade level: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, k, p, e, i, t.
Teachers know that poetry is a great deal more than just an add-on or an "enrichment" to be fitted into the curriculum at a spare moment. And they are aware...
This is an utterly original and completely beguiling prose novel about a boy who has to write a poem, and then another, and then even more.
Poetry can enable learners to engage, learn and have fun, whatever their cognitive, linguistic or social levels and this book provides a great many examples of how this might be achieved.
An essential reading for all those, who are interested in studies about and experiences with the use of poetry as a writing intensive pedagogy in a US community college or on a general undergraduate education level.
Touching on a variety of poetry forms and formats, this guide provides teachers and their students with a broader view of poetry than is usually seen in educational books at this level.
Provoking Curriculum Studies pushes forward a strong reading of the theoretical and methodological innovations taking place within curriculum studies research. Addressing an important gap in contemporary curriculum studies—conceptualizing scholars as...
Organized into three separate sections, the minilessons in this guide offer tips for outfitting and organizing classrooms where poetry can flourish; highlight a variety of reading strategies that immerse children in the words and music of ...
The first section is Presenting and Sharing Poetry in the Classroom, the second Experimenting with Formula and Word-Count Poems, the third Using Poetry Across the Curriculum, the fourth Instant Poetry.
Provides a collection of activities to introduce poetry to students throughout the curriculum.
This practical new title contains essential information, text models, lesson banks and worksheets to engage students as they discover, explore and write poetry.