Shamanism, humanity's most ancient spiritual practice, has achieved a dramatic modern resurgence. The foundations and appeal of shamanism are rooted in human nature, the psychobiology of consciousness, and archetypal structures of the brain and mind. The classic shamanic motif of death and rebirth represents the development of self through the symbolic death of the old self to permit the emergence and integration of a higher order self.
The foundational work on shamanism now available as a Princeton Classics paperback Shamanism is an essential work on the study of this mysterious and fascinating phenomenon.
This inspirational book blends elements of shamanism with inherited traditions and contemporary religious commitments.
An in-depth look at the role of plant spirits in shamanic rituals from around the world • Shows how shamans heal using their knowledge of plant spirits as well as the plant’s “medical properties” • Explores the core methods of ...
Shamanism for Beginners concludes with a thoughtful, empowering look at how shamanic practices can help restore balance and peace to our lives and the earth.
New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam. 382. Vaughan-Lee, F. (Ed.). (1995). Traveling the path of love: Sayings of the Sufi masters. Inverness, CA: Golden Sufi Center. 383. Vitebsky, P. (1995/2001). Shamanism and the rigged marketplace.
When they came for the ghe-wa, they went to Wangchuk's son Tilley's wife's parents' house and brought her back, as she had been separated from him. Further, they expressed care and concern about Tilley's future, ...
Through a series of easy-to-follow exercises, lessons, and rituals, psychologist Jose Stevens and wife, Lena, can show you how to identify your inner spiritual guides -- and how, through a unique and powerful communication with them, you ...
From the author of Dreambody - a pioneering method of using crisis as a dynamic opportunity for accessing our inner world, confronting our fears, and catalyzing self-discovery.
This book takes you to the "classical academy of shamanism", Siberian tribal spirituality that gave birth to the expression "shamanism.
The World of Classical Myth: Gods and Goddesses, Heroes and Heroines. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press. Ruck, Carl A. P., Blaise Daniel Staples, and Clark Heinrich. 2001. The Apples of Apollo: Pagan and Christian Mysteries of the ...