Far and away the most successful book of its kind, this guide has sold more than a quarter million copies, and the demand is on the increase. It has been revised and updated to include full information on the top 100 accredited schools offering degrees by mail and Internet. It also includes strategies for gaining credit for your life experiences.
This report presents findings of the second follow-up in the Baccalaureate and Beyond Study, a longitudinal study which is tracking students who received a bachelor's degree in academic year 1992-93....
Junior Class President 1997, 1998 Forensics Club President 1996, 1997, 1998 Trips to Mexico, Belize, England, and France 1997 Coquille High School Mexico Trip 1997 Yearbook Editor 1996,1997 Inter-Club Council 1996 Student Body Homeroom ...
Debt burden four years after college
The variables were taken directly from the B&B:97 Data Analysis System (DAS), an NCES software application that ... STUDENT CHARACTERISTICS Age received bachelor's degree. ... B2ETHNIC Highest degree earned after bachelor's degree .
Book Review Index 1998 Cumulation
From bachelor's degree to work major field of study and employment outcomes of 1992-93 bachelor's degree recipients who did not...
Lists more than six hundred undergraduate and graduate majors and the colleges that offer them, as well as special academic programs.
Progress through the teacher pipeline 1992-93 college graduates and elementary secondary school teaching as of 1997
... Government Cornell University Murray L. Weidenbaum Mallinckrodt Distinguished University Professor Washington University Richard J. Zeckhauser Frank Plumpton Ramsey Professor of Political Economy Kennedy School of Government Harvard ...
Thomas D. Snyder, Sally A. Dillow National Center for Education Statistics (U.S.). U.S. Department of Education Arne Duncan Secretary Institute of Education Sciences Sue Betka Acting Director National Center for Education Statistics ...