This case study on Focus: HOPE is the fourth of six sectoral studies to provide an in-depth look at individual sectoral employment development programs and their interaction within distinct economic and industry environments. It explores HOPE, a Detroit civil rights organization with a highly developed machinist training program. Section 1 discusses its programs, historical events that led to its current structure, details of HOPE's sectoral strategies, and key relationships it has formed to achieve its objectives. Section 2 describes important features of the machinist-related occupations and industry that employs these workers. It discusses relationships between machine shops and competitive factors affecting the automotive industry. Section 3 focuses on how HOPE puts its sectoral strategies into practice, particularly how it interacts with and influences industry and other key educational and governmental entities to increase employment opportunities for the disadvantaged population. Section 4 reviews HOPE's core training program, the Machinist Training Institute (MTI), with training programs for disadvantaged people with a range of skills and educational backgrounds. It explains the content and approach of each training course and the services that provide outreach, recruitment, evaluation, and post-training placement assistance. Section 5 discusses outcomes associated with MTI's training, including ratios for graduation and placement rates, and costs. Section 6 reviews lessons learned and challenges HOPE faces. (YLB)
... fears of , 122 ; future of public education , 245-46 ; parent councils , 229-35 ; view of schools , 9 ; voucher schools , 191-92 Pepsi - Cola Canada , 80 , 162-63 Perspectives on Education in America , 54 Philip Morris , 62 Philips ...
The aim of this study was to identify those factors that might contribute to increased and improved cooperative education ventures between higher education and the workplace.
Standards, Plain English, and the Ugly Duckling: Lessons about what Teachers Really Do
The experiences of high schools in the General Electric Foundation's College Bound program provide lessons for other outside funders and schools interested in using outside funds to help schools achieve specific goals, such as doubling the ...
Foot , David K. Canada Population Outlook : Demographic Futures and Economic Challenges . Canadian Institute for Ecnomic Policy , 1982 . Fortier , Claude . ... Office of Research , University of Guelph , March 1982 . Kerwin , Larkin .
Education and the Labour Market: An English Disaster
This book acts as a useful resource in understanding innovative ways to stretch limited school resources or to improve the scope and quality of services and programs offered to deserving students.
Two Years of Education, Industry Liaison in the NEELB: Teachers' and Employers' Experience of Collaboration when Supported by an Innovative...
London : Anglo - German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society Ehmann , Chr . , 1986 : Beiträge der Weiterbildung zum Abbau der Arbeitslosigkeit " , in : Gewerkschaftliche Bildungspolitik , 228ff Esser , O. , 1986 : Aufruf an ...