Diamond looks at conservative politics in the United States from World War II to the post-Reagan years.
Concepts such as secularism, liberalism, science, and homosexuality are deeply rooted in a Christian seedbed. From Babylon to the Beatles, Saint Michael to #MeToo, Dominion tells the story of how Christianity transformed the modern world.
Sullivan, interview; Peggy and Rufus Pearce and Shirley and Harold Muckenthaler, interviews with author, ... A Pre-publication Summary,” January 1963, folder 4, box 17, Leonard Finder Papers, Dwight D. 294 ✧ NOTES TO C HAPTER 2.
Horace Mann, an educational reformer and secretary of the Massachusetts State Board of Education (1837–1848), took his readers to the brink of social Armageddon in pleading for the establishment of a common school. The mobs, the riots, ...
Argues for responsible action in the treatment of animals, challenging popular conceptions about animal feeling and awareness and profiling a safari convention, factory farm, and the works of top writers.
On the work of Howard Phillips, Richard Viguerie, and Paul Weyrich, see Himmelstein, To the Right, 80–89; and Sara Diamond, Roads to Dominion: Right- Wing Movements and Political Power in the United States (New York: Guilford Press, ...
Arthur Dudley Dobson, Reminiscences ofArthur Dudley Dobson, Engineer, 1841–1930, Facsimile of2nd (1930) edn (Christchurch, NZ: Capper Press, 1984), p. 130. W H Skinner, Reminiscences ofa Taranaki Surveyor (New Plymouth, NZ: Thomas Avery ...
That is why DOMINION will place the story of how we came to be what we are, and how we think the way that we do, in the broadest historical context.