This book takes readers on a thrilling tour of some of the most important and powerful areas of contemporary numerical mathematics. The tour is organized along the 10 problems of the SIAM 100-Digit Challenge, a contest posed by Nick Trefethen of Oxford University in the January/February 2002 issue of SIAM News. The complete story of the contest as well as a lively interview with Nick Trefethen are also included. The authors, members of teams that solved all 10 problems, show in detail multiple approaches for solving each problem, ranging from elementary to sophisticated, from brute-force to schemes that can be scaled to provide thousands of digits of accuracy and that can solve even larger related problems. The authors touch on virtually every major technique of modern numerical analysis: matrix computation, iterative linear methods, limit extrapolation and convergence acceleration, numerical quadrature, contour integration, discretization of PDEs, global optimization, Monte Carlo and evolutionary algorithms, error control, interval and high-precision arithmetic, and many more.
... Option pricing and portfolio optimization : Modern methods of financial mathematics , 2001 30 J. C. McConnell and J. C. Robson , Noncommutative Noetherian rings , 2001 29 Javier Duoandikoetxea , Fourier analysis , 2001 28 Liviu I.
Proceedings of the Tenth Manitoba Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Computing, October 1-4, 1980
Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest. 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas. ... Todd, J. 1961. Computational problems concerning the Hilbert matrix. JR-NBS 65, 19–22. Todd, M. J. 1982. An introduction to piecewise linear homotopy 766 ...
Les courbes splines cubiques simulent le comportement d'une latte de bois , à laquelle est imprimée une certaine forme à l'aide de piquets . La déformation de la latte entre deux piquets est représentée par une fonction dont la ...
Obtaining Parameters for Geotechnical Analysis
Just to show how an unreasonable choice of orthogonality interval may turn even the roots of unity into poorly conditioned roots , consider the case of Laguerre polynomials ( orthogonal on ( 0 ...
In this text, the authors provide a sophisticated introduction to the approximation techniques that are used to solve the problems that arise in science and engineering; they show students why the methods work, what type of errors to expect ...
"The book is suitable as a text for a first course in numerical methods for mathematics students or students in neighboring fields, such as engineering, physics, and computer science.