Although this was first published in 1976, it has gained new significance and renewed interest among statisticians due to the developments of modern statistical techniques such as the bootstrap, the efficacy of which can be ascertained by asymptotic expansions. This also is the only book containing a detailed treatment of various refinements of the multivariate central limit theorem (CLT), including Berry-Essen-type error bounds for probabilities of general classes of functions and sets, and asymptotic expansions for both lattice and non-lattice distributions.
Frank W. J. Olver Roderick Wong. 352 F. W. J. OLVER ON 1 Zeros of Y , ( z ) and Y ( z ) when n is half an odd integer If we substitute n = ng + e in ( 8-12 ) , where n , is an integer and 0 < e < 1 , we obtain Y , ( z emai ) = ( - ) mno ...
Analysis of Divergence: Control and Management of Divergent Processes
What distinguishes this approach from standard parabolic rescaling (see, e.g., [3] or |2|) is that we do not fix X(t) ... q)0,00+ v *F, (p, q)00 – ayo, with v-dependent coefficients defined with respect to (1.7) a := -\O. A. p = 0, v, ...
Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science
Analyzable Functions and Applications
4 A Mathematician and His Mathematical Work Selected Papers of S. S. Chern edited by S. Y. Cheng , P. Li and G. ... 7 Selected Papers of F. W. J. Olver ( in 2 Volumes ) edited by Roderick Wong SELECTED PAPERS OF F.W.J. Olver Part II ...
This also is the only book containing a detailed treatment of various refinements of the multivariate central limit theorem (CLT), including Berry-Essen-type error bounds for probabilities of general classes of functions and sets, and ...
... Introduction to Analytic and Probabilistic Number Theory, Third Edition, 2015 Firas Rassoul-Agha and Timo Seppäläinen, A Course on Large Deviations with an Introduction to Gibbs Measures, 2015 Diane Maclagan and Bernd Sturmfels, ...
The differential field of transseries plays a central role in the subject. Besides powers of the variable, these series may contain exponential and logarithmic terms.