Every year writers rely on the new edition of Writer's Market for information vital to their successful writing careers. This edition contains up-to-date information on 4,000 buyers of freelance materials, as well as listings of contests and awards, helpful articles, and interviews with professionals.
FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU JANUARY 1991 M2 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 101112131415 16 171181 1182.23 24 A WRITER'S MARKET 3125 Of ... Make sure you have the most current writing and marketing information by ordering 1992 Writer's Market today .
Advice : " The writing should argue with , among others , James Joyce , Flann O'Brien , Juan Goytisolo , Ingeborg Bachmann , E.M. Cioran , Max Stirner , Patrick Kavanagh . THE ADVOCATE , ( I , II ) , PKA Publications , 301A Rolling ...
The Romance Writer's Market Guide, 1993
Christian Writer's Market Guide 1992-1993
Writer and illustrator workshops geared toward beginner , intermediate and advanced levels . ... Cost of workshop : 2 workshops , lunch , reception $ 40 ; includes keynote address . No requirements prior to registration unless ...
The Canadian Writer's Market provides fledgling writers with much-needed advice and strategies, and will keep established freelancers apprised of changes in editors, magazines and publishing houses. This volume lists more...
Poets will find 1,700 listings, including U.S. and international publishers of poetry, a list of Canadian and U.S. arts councils, contests and awards, writing colonies, organizations useful to poets, and publications useful to poets.
Writers and Publishers Guide to Texas Markets, 1993-1995
Lists addresses and information on contacts, pay rates, and submission requirements, and includes essays on the craft of writing
Imprints: Evergreen Press, Gazelle Press, Axiom Press (print-on-demand) . Publishes 30 titles/yr . Receives 250 submissions annually . 40% of books from first-time authors . Accepts mss through agents or authors .