Suggests useful genealogical sources including family papers, library collections, birth, death, and marriage records, wills, deeds, census records, and military files
First , I would like to thank Bob Dunkle , a fellow genealogist , and my buddy , for his input and help ; and second , Ann Lainhart , genealogist , for her assistance , and my editors , Sandy Taylor , Mark Corci , and Linda Spencer .
So much is there, waiting to be found, downloaded, and added to your family tree. Visiting Ancestry for the first time—or anytime, for that matter—can be dangerous, because it's so easy to fall down the genealogical rabbit hole.
A hip new anthology of fiction and memoir by African-American women writers showcases twenty-three fresh voices in American literature, including Rebecca Walker, ZZ Packer, Danzy Senna, and Carolyn Ferrell. Reprint. 15,000 first printing.
Databases for the Study of Afro - Louisiana History and Genealogy , 1699-1860 : Computerized Information from Original Manuscript Sources markcyndisgenealA / A CD - ROM by Gwendolyn ...
She discovered Barack Obama’s Irish ancestry—and his relation to Brad Pitt. She revealed the true story of Ellis Island’s first immigrant, Annie Moore.
This year's winning selections address the theme of I Didn't See That One Coming. While these stories were written before the global pandemic, they offer reflections on how unseen events shape our lives.
Although kids with ADHD may act impulsively, overconfidence and the tendency to misjudge their abilities aren't parts of the ADHD diagnosis. In fact, these kids typically struggle with low self-confidence and a sense that that they're ...
Wise-cracking Wiley Cantrell is loud and roaringly outrageous -- and he needs to be to keep his deeply religious neighbors and family in the Deep South at bay.
When Kate Gormley and her family have to leave their farm and move to Cincinnati, Kate has trouble adjusting to her new life and getting along with Freddie and Juanita Wolcott, the neighborhood bullies, until she finds the special message ...
The initial aim of Georgia's founder, James Edward Oglethorpe, and the colony's twenty trustees was to create an Eden in which England's “downtrodden” would find opportunity to become sturdy yeoman, growing grapes for wine and mulberry ...