This volume surveys and reports on the latest developments in entrepreneurship education at the university, secondary, and elementary levels. The contributors explore what works and what doesn't, suggest ways to improve current programs, and propose solutions for areas not adequately covered by existing programs. They issue a call to educators nationwide to recognize the unique characteristics and contributions of entrepreneurs and to reorganize their courses and programs to accommodate, cultivate, and perpetuate the process of entrepreneurship throughout the educational system.
Study Guide for Use with Understanding Canadian Business, Second Edition
... 70 economic systems , 6-9 Edison , Thomas , 14 education , 13 , 40 , 56 , 60 , 61 , 77 efficiency , 4 elastic demand , 18 elasticity of ... 39 private sector , 13 88 © Pearson Education , Inc. , publishing as Pearson Prentice Hall .
Arthur O'Sullivan, Steven M. Sheffrin, Prentice Hall Dictionary Editors. Pearson Education. ISBN 0-13-067949-6 00001 See us on the Internet 91178013011679499.
A comprehensive set of answers to all questions in the Students' Books.
The emphasis of today's business courses is on the world of work; an emphasis that is reflected in this book's approach. Each of the eight topics is introduced with a real-life case study.
Marketing Essentials
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