Based on lectures given at the Law School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1921. Prepared primarily for law students, many of the topics covered have proven to be of use to the practicing attorney. Printed on acid-free paper.
Summary of Facts : Jessica Nichols - Villalpando was employed as a licensed practical nurse by Life Care Centers of America Inc. from August 2004 to October 2004. NicholsVillalpando claimed a co - worker often made sexual comments to ...
The plaintiff alleges that he was in the course and scope of his employment on December 2 , 2003 when the M / V Jeanie - G lost an engine and , as a result ... The captain of the M / V Ocean Pride allegedly agreed to the crossing .
This book explores efforts by women to gain the right to sit on juries in the United States.
In a study of group problem-solving discussions, the numbers of remarks made for and against possible solutions to the problems were coded (Hoffman, 1979). A valence index was constructed by subtracting the total number of remarks ...
Additionally , in many jurisdictions efforts of the media to learn about secret grand jury proceedings have long been punishable by contempt . ... Restricting Publication of Deliberations If a statute of the described sort were enacted ...
Hans concludes that jurors do treat businesses differently than individuals, but this is because the public has higher expectations of corporations and more rigorous standards for their conduct.
"How Safe is Our Jury System?'
Federal Jury Practice and Instructions: Criminal companion handbook
Federal Jury Practice and Instructions Civil Companion Handbook