Provides annotations for approximately 1500 sequel books.
顾问王益许力以王仿子刘杲主编袁亮副主编沈正乐陆本瑞方厚枢邓从理余甘澍本卷执行主编方厚枢编辑部成员魏玉山李小宁贺秀红徐焕生 编辑说明为系统地全面地总结和研究建国四十多年来,特别是中国共产党第十一届三中全会以来,出版工作在马列主义、毛泽东思想 ...
7. Edit strings of prepositional phrases . 8. Edit for economy . 9. Copy - edit for grammatical , mechanical , and formatting AVOID UNNECESSARY JARGON AND AWKWARD ABSTRACTIONS Because academic journals cater. errors .
The Golden Compasses: A History and Evaluation of the Printing and Publishing Activities of the Officina Plantiniana at Antwerp
Who's who of Australian Writers
This comprehensive reference work picks up where the author'sChildren's Book Awards International: A Directory of Awards and Winners, from Inception through 1990left off. Arranged by country, it lists awards and...
Specialized resource for professionals and academics in women's studies or those concerned with gender-related topics. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
First edition of a bibliography listing over 85,000 titles that are part of a sequence or series. Three access points are given for each title. Section 1 list all titles...
Essayists survey the recent thought and research concerning outstanding authors, trends, and movements in American literature.
Here's quick access to more than 490,000 titles published from 1970 to 1984 arranged in Dewey sequence with sections for Adult and Juvenile Fiction. Author and Title indexes are included,...