Using Microcomputers in the Social Studies Classroom

Using Microcomputers in the Social Studies Classroom
Social Science / General
Social Science Education Consortium, Incorporated
Robert B. Abelson


The purpose of this book is to help teachers feel at ease with microcomputers so that they will begin to think of computers as tools that they themselves might use. There are four chapters. The first chapter provides basic information to help a user understand the computer. Discussed are how the computer is put together and how it works. To help teachers generate ideas about how this new educational aid might be useful in terms of their own teaching objectives, the second chapter describes why and how other educators are using the computer. Chapter 3 is an introduction to software evaluation, i.e., how computer programs that are available for use in the classroom can be judged. Criteria are presented. It is suggested that teachers using computer-assisted instruction should have a feel for some of the broader issues related to computers in education, as well as practical knowledge. The purpose of the fourth chapter, which deals with social and educational issues and directions, is to provide a perspective about these broader issues and a context into which teachers might place their own activities. Most of the book's readings provide a bibliography of references and further resources. In addition, a list of resources available through the ERIC system is provided. (RM)

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