Sierra North: 100 Back-country Trips in the High Sierra
Meadow , levels off , and leads down a gradually sloping valley dotted with little lodgepole pines to the head of the second , lower lobe of l - o - n - g Long Meadow ( may be dry by late season ) . Passing a junction with the trail ...
The seventh edition marks the 30th anniversary of this classic, which covers the best hikes--ranging from dayhikes to strenuous multi-day backpacks--in the Sierra from Carson Pass south to the aspen-lined...
This basin and the Wright Creek drainage (the next basin north) are each well worth a day's exploration (or more) if you have spare days. You continue north along the JMT/PCT for a circuitous 0.7 mile, as you climb a moraine crest and ...
A campsite here or at Wright Creek plus a couple of layover days will allow exploration of nearby Wright Lakes as well as Wallace and Wales lakes. This trip takes the PCT/JMT north for another 0.8 mile to the ford of Wright Creek ...
Now in it's 9th edition, the completely updated and revised Sierra North showcases new trips and old favorites in regions such as Desolation Wilderness, Emigrant Wilderness, the proposed Castle Peak...
... for Wilderness Press, authoring four hiking guides on Hawaii, Hot Showers, Soft Beds, and Dayhikes in the Sierra, and Guide to the John Muir Trail. She was a co-author of several previous editions of Sierra North and Sierra South.
An all-purpose field guide covering the North Woods of the upper Midwest, beginning with a detailed geological history of the region, then moving to a description of the nine typical...
With this book in hand, hikers can spend their days wandering in wildflower meadows, hiking to cragged peaks, or swimming in cobalt-blue lakes in the Sierra Nevada and then settle into a comfortable deck chair at sunset to enjoy the ...
In Sons of the Sierra, Patrick McNamara explores events in the Oaxaca district of Ixtlan, where Zapotec Indians supported the liberal cause and sought to exercise influence over statewide and national politics.