The House Plant Expert is one of the books in the Expert series written by the world's best-selling gardening author. Quite simply, the best-selling gardening book in the world. Over a million copies have been sold in the U.S, and nearly 14 million worldwide. According to one reviewer - "after the Bible, the best-selling reference book of all time." In a basketful of countries it has taught people how to choose and care for their indoor plants. Its style of dealing with each plant with drawings, photographs and no-nonsense text has become a legend in the publishing world. If you have house plants (and who doesn't?) you need this book.
Provides instructions for installing and equiping greenhouses and discusses plants suited for growing under glass, the care of both the plants and the equipment, diseases and pests that can infect greenhouses, and related topics
Goldplated Houseplant Ex
"Introduction ndoor Plants A-Z uying lant Care ncreasing Your Stock roubles lossary"
First Edition 150,000 copies!
This guide provides information on all types of ornamental trees and shrubs for the ordinary garden including: choosing the right types, climbers and conifers, how to buy and plant, tree and shrub care and increasing your stock.
This book will turn even the brownest thumbs green!
This book attempts to set out the fundamental principles to become a great gardener with careful observation and practical experience. "A garden is for its owner's pleasure."
In this jam-packed and revised edition, readers will learn how to recognize types of lawns, maintain excellent care, and diagnose and cure lawn troubles.
The ultimate indoor gardening book, this guide offers inspiration and instruction for creating vibrant in-home gardens and caring for your houseplants With plentiful images and a distinctly modern and sophisticated feel, this book imparts ...
For indoor gardeners everywhere, Darryl Cheng offers a new way to grow healthy house plants.