Covers a whole range of bulbs which can provide indoor and outdoor displays all the year round.
Revised and updated, twice the size--and with over two and a half million copies sold! He's the world's best-selling gardening author and this is now the definitive manual on flower gardening.
The art and science to grow your own bulbs Richard Wilford, Kew Royal Botanic Gardens. UNDER TREES OR IN GARDEN BORDER Lily Lilium Family Liliaceae Height 50–200cm/20–80in The large, colourful flowers, often scented and appearing in the ...
From forty-five years of experience in collecting and cultivating bulbs, Thad Howard offers expert advice about hundreds of little-known bulbs and common species, varieties, and hybrids that grow well in warm climates.
This gorgeous book, a complete deluxe package, will appeal to gardeners as the world's most authoritative and affordable reference work on bulbs.
For decades, J nis Ruk ns has been scouring remote and dangerous regions of Europe and Asia to bring back the botanical treasures that he describes in this book.
This book captures that sense of joy by celebrating the potential of bulbs throughout the year. Organized into seasons, it gives practical advice on growing and - especially - choosing bulbs for the garden.
In this book Richard Wilford shows the key differences between bulbs, corms and tubers, he explains the importance of planting times and techniques, he explains simple methods for propagation, as well as planting instructions for growing in ...
An illustrated guide to buying, raising and using bedding plants.
The author demonstrates a forcing technique for transforming bulbs into flower plants during the winter through instructions, color photographs, and humorous anecdotes based on his gardening experiences. “Bulb forcing requires no Green ...
Learn how to plant, care for, and divide your bulbs; create stunning displays including naturalistic drifts and eye-catching containers; and choose from a huge variety of bulbs, corms, and tubers with this book's handy seasonal directory.