With this latest addition to the Expert series, readers get the information needed to choose the plants that best suit their garden's fertility and available space.
The Evergreen Expert
This book attempts to set out the fundamental principles to become a great gardener with careful observation and practical experience. "A garden is for its owner's pleasure."
Provides instructions for installing and equiping greenhouses and discusses plants suited for growing under glass, the care of both the plants and the equipment, diseases and pests that can infect greenhouses, and related topics
This guide provides information on all types of ornamental trees and shrubs for the ordinary garden including: choosing the right types, climbers and conifers, how to buy and plant, tree and shrub care and increasing your stock.
The essential guide to growing all types of fruit.
Provides information on the color, size, season, and care requirements of hundreds of shrubs that flower at various times throughout the year
With over 43,000,000 copies of the EXPERT books in print, it's very clear that gardeners depend on these detail-filled guides for choosing, cultivating, and caring for plants of many kinds.
The entertaining stories and action steps weaved throughout these pages reveal how anyone can: • Cultivate the 3Cs of evergreen companies: character, community, and content• Build loyalty programs that turn satisfied customers into ...
Written by the world's foremost gardening authority, and jam-packed with the most up-to-date information, the Expert collections offer techniques, full-color photos throughout, and plenty of thumbnails and diagrams.
Set your book up for success (before you even finish writing it.)?Writing the book is just one piece of the publishing puzzle.