Excavations, finds and environmental remains, and historical and geological background.
There was a large concentration of bracken and moss with background traces of waste ground weed taxa. Bark fragments and wood chips were also present, some of which appear to have been worked. The composition of the plant material ...
... GD103/2/44) that those rights were being eroded by the Laird of Bass, Robert Lauder: Innocentius episcopus servus servorum Dei dilectis filiis Priori et Archidiacono ecclesie Sanctiandree Salutem et apostolicam benedictionem ...
A final report, Exeter Higham, R and Rouillard, M, 2000 'Metalwork and other material from the bailey", in R Higham and P Barker, Hen Domen Montgomery, a timber castle on the English-Welsh border, Exeter, 98-110 Higham, R A, Allan, ...
Carlisle, at the head of the Solway Firth, has produced one 'sceat' of Series QIG (Metcalf 1993-4, III, 491) and one of Series Y (^Ethelred I with Archbishop Eanbald; Pirie 1997, 334), while on the east coast Lindisfarne, ...
The fourteenth - century compiler was , however , aware of the distinction between the pennyweight - 24 grains - and the weight of the penny which was actually in the region of 22.5 grains . " Thus he speaks of a reduction 9 APS 1.673–4 ...
animals.82 Warrens are depicted too on Geddy's map and, although they are absent from the medieval archaeology of other ... 3–32; C. Smith and G. W. I. Hodgson, 'Animal Bone', Excavations in the Medieval Burgh of Perth, 1979–1981, ed.
Cormack, W & Coles, J 1968 'A Mesolithic site at Low Clone, Wigtownshire', Trans Dumfriesshire Galloway Natur Hist Antiq Soc, ... Gibson, A 1993 'The excavation of two cairns and associated features at Carneddau, Carno, Powys, 1989-90', ...
... in E Cruwys and R A Foley (eds) Teeth and Anthropology, BAR Int Ser 291, 215-224, Oxford MacAskill, N, 1987 'The pottery', in Ρ Holdsworth (ed) Excavations in the Medieval Burgh of Perth, 1979-1981, Soc Antiq Scot Monograph 5, ...
Surveys the history of British towns from their post-Roman origins down to the sixteenth century.
A. Hanham, 'A Medieval Scots Merchant's Handbook', Scottish Historical Review, 50:2 (1971), pp. 107–20. P. Holdsworth (ed.), Excavations in the Medieval Burgh of Perth, 1979–1981 (Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1987).