Swassjan's sparkling humor, wit, and lively style spill over every page, making this a thoroughly unique discourse on Rudolf Steiner's book The Philosophy of Freedom. His brilliant insight and comprehensive scholarship ensure that the reader's attention is engaged to the very end. C O N T E N T S 1. The Only Book Worth Saving 2. Abstention from All Logic by the Conscious Mind 3. Thinking: The Eye of the Needle 4. "The thunderous Jubilant Cry of the Seraphim" 5. "The Most Christian of Philosophies" 6. An Essential Addition to all New Editions
A companion volume to William Q Judge's 'Oceans of Theosophy', this book offers the student a compendium of supporting quotations that is useful both for classes and individual study.
Werde ein Mensch mit Initiative
Erwachen am anderen Menschen
Spirituelle Erkenntnis als wirkliche Kommunion
Der positive und der negative Mensch
For the Earth was Adam's mother, of the Earth was Adam fed, And I ween, tho' a man she bare here, yet still was the Earth a maid. And here will I read the riddle, he who robbed her of maidenhood Was Cain the son of Adam, ...
A collection of articles about star wisdom (astrosophy), including a complete sidereal ephemeris and aspectarian.
Rudolf Steiner und der Zufall: ein Wegweiser
He lived as a spiritual, archangeliclike being in the spiritual worlds, and was interpenetrated by the Christ being in the preliminary stages of the Mystery of Golgotha, during the Lemurian age and twice during the Atlantean age.
‘Our neurosensory system is inwardly configured music, and we experience music as an artistic quality to the degree that a piece of music is in tune with the mystery of our own musical structure.’ – Rudolf Steiner What is music?