Living in a bedsit, just coping with the boredom of being a busconductor, and fully aware that his plans to emigrate to Australia won't come to anything, Robert Hines is a young Glaswegian leading a pretty drab life.
Busconductor Hines
This text examines his work, exploring the social and political issues that he raises.
Is there any such thing as a certainty? Not tonight. Tonight the only thing certain is that you have to be very careful in the land of the free.
Sammy's had a bad week - his wallet's gone, along with his new shoes, he's been arrested then beaten up by the police and thrown out on the street - and he's just gone blind.
( Klaus 1989 , 46-47 ) > Hines , a literal zero whose accomplishments amount to precisely " nought ” ( Kelman 1985 , 165 ) , is the eponymous protagonist of Kelman's debut novel , The Busconductor Hines ( 1984 ) .
Roediger, David (1996) White looks: hairy apes, true stories, and Limbaugh's laughs. Minnesota Review, 47 (Fall). Schelling, Thomas (1971) On the ecology of micromotoves. The Public Interest, 25 (Fall), 1971.
This book presents an analysis of representations of white, heterosexual, working-class masculinities in British culture between 1945 and 1989 to trace the development of the sociocultural and material conditions that shaped the ...
Cornell University Press , 1983 ) ; and Eric J. Hobsbawm , Nations and Nationalism since 1780 : Pro gramme ... Michael Holquist , " Introduction , " The Dialogic Imagination , xxi - xxvi ; and Gary Saul Morson and Caryl Emerson ...
James Kelman's first published novel, The Busconductor Hines (1984), offers a penetrating analysis of the destructive temporal effects of post-industrial labour upon the working subject. By charting the subjective universe of its ...
After this book was finished, Michael Gardiner's From Trocchi to Trainspotting: Scottish Critical Theory Since 1960 (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2006) became known to me. Its chapter on Kelman is essential reading.