A magical being comes into the unhappy lives of a brother and sister, leading them into a world of fantasy and adventure.
“I'm sure you were kind to her," said Robin, a touch cautiously. “Well, I didn't do much . . . you know . ... “V/ell, I'm very glad to meet you. You see, I'm hoping to interview her, ... I worked under Leslie Keeping For several years.
A group of intellectuals struggle to find stability, companionship, and spiritual salvation in the stagnating South
Tales of The Strange Child: Book One - Orphaned
Told by eight adolescent narrators, this is a story of how people use faith to justify cruelty, and how redemption can come from unexpected places.
This early work by E. T. A. Hoffmann was originally published in 1817. Born in Königsberg, East Prussia in 1776, Hoffmann's family were all jurists, and during his youth he was initially encouraged to pursue a career in law.
... and then squatted down with a wary cackle to inspect them for a moment on their own level. Madeleine, wrapped in a long mackintosh, held back, with a thin fixed smile, in which various doubts and questions were tightly hidden.
This is the fascinating story of one of America's greatest singers, Norman Treigle (1927-1975). Born in the South's most exotic city, New Orleans, he was acclaimed as one of history's...
One Dark Secret.
Warner titles available by post : Cruel Habitations Unruly Passions False Pretences Death and Shadows Kate Charles Kate Charles Margaret Yorke Paula Gosling £ 6.99 £ 5.99 £ 5.99 £ 5.99 The prices shown above are correct at time of going ...
A twelve-year-old girl searches for answers when she finds an abandoned baby in the aftermath of the San Francisco earthquake of 1906 Clara Curfman is awakened from a recurring swimming dream by her big, furry sheepdog, Humphrey.