This work makes available a mass of useful information, including details of the technical aspects of book making, the vexed question of first editions and the matters of completeness and condition. Contains an excellent glossary.
This illustrated guide gives you everything you need to start in the world's greatest pastime: What it means to build a collection How to identify a first edition Where and how to get the best deals Understanding the value of autographs How ...
Completely reset and revised, this definitive reference is better than ever. "No better guide to the whole subject has appeared in print". -- Chicago Tribune
Follow along and learn not just the origins of man, but also the origins of God's plan for redemption. Understanding the book of Genesis is crucial to understanding the rest of the Bible. And it all starts in the beginning.
With a handy dictionary of terms used in auction and dealer catalogs and a new section on Internet resources, this is a must-have guide for book lovers.
A sound understanding of the elemental collecting criteria is essential to successful book collecting, and here the author--a 30-year veteran in the book trade--provides indispensable core strategies and specific examples to help the novice ...
Considering the aims and motives that led these collectors to assemble such remarkable collections, the book also examines the history of these collections after the collector’s death.
An experienced insider in antiquarian book markets offers advice on finding, buying, and selling used and rare books, and provides an index of more than one thousand of the "most...
This extraordinary trove, undiscovered until the 1940s and here translated for the first time into English, is the work of the mysterious Félix Fénéon.
Exactly the book for every young explorer who loves finding stuff in nature and bringing it home.
In Alagaèesia, a fifteen-year-old boy of unknown lineage called Eragon finds a mysterious stone that weaves his life into an intricate tapestry of destiny, magic, and power, peopled with dragons, elves, and monsters.