Paul Martyn-Smith presents a study of mathematics and psychology, centred on an investigation of ancient texts.
“Even though admitting that this doctrine of metempsychosis is taken literally by Plotinus, we should still have to ask for him as for Plato, whether the human soul really inhabits the body of an animal, and whether it is not reborn ...
Grant , Robert M. " Gnostic Origins and the Basilidians of Irenaeus , " in VigChr 13 , 1959 , 121-25 . Grant , Robert M. Gnosticism and Early Christianity . New York : Columbia University Press , 1966 . Grant , Robert M. , Editor .
Visions of Shadow and Light is a book full of stories to chill the bones, warm the heart, and delight the mind.
In the de Abrahamo ( 121-123 ) it is said that God can appear to the purified mind as the One beyond the dyad and monad , and to the uninitiated mind as a triad composed of God situated in the midst of his two chief powers ...
Irenaeus Against Heresies
Nag Hammadi Codex VII
Nag Hammadi codex II, 2 - 7. 1. Gospel according to Thomas, gospel according to Philip, hypostasis of the archons,...
eu sou guerreira vencida pelo amor de Abraxas . Sem meu amado , eu morrerei . Seu amor me derrubou , tirou minhas forças . Eu me submeto , eu me humilho diante da sua beleza , do seu esplendor . Eu estou tonta de amor , eu estou ...
The Thunder, Perfect Mind (Nag Hammadi Codex VI, Tractate 2): Protocol of the Fifth Colloquy, 11 March 1973
McGuire, A. “Women, Gender, and Gnosis in Gnostic Texts and Traditions.” In Women & Christian Origins, ... Meyer, M. The Gnostic Discoveries: The Impact of the Nag Hammadi Library. ... Nag Hammadi Bibliography, 1995–2006.