Put aside everything you thought you knew about being human - about how we got here and what it all means. Australian theoretical biologist Danny Vendramini has developed a theory of human origins that is stunning in its simplicity, yet breathtaking in its scope and importance. Them and Us: how Neanderthal predation created modern humans begins with a radical reassessment of Neanderthals. He shows they weren't docile omnivores, but savage, cannibalistic carnivores - top flight predators of the stone age. Neanderthal Predation (NP) theory reveals that Neanderthals were 'apex' predators - who resided at the top of the food chain, and everything else - including humans - was their prey. NP theory is one of those groundbreaking ideas that revolutionizes scientific thinking. It represents a quantum leap in our understanding of human origins.
New York : Thomas Y. Kaplan , D. and R. Manners 1972 Culture Theory . ... According philosphers such as Adam Smith , Jean Turgot and Denis Diderot , humankind progressed from a state of enlightened civilization to a state of nature .
There are 30 finely rendered, well-researched original in pages that chronicle humanity from our first upright ancestors approximately four million years ago to comparatively recent civilizations like the Maya Within these pages is a sample ...
I have had to help finish the work of Jane Belo ( 1112 ) , Colin McPhee ( 1966 ) , Edith Cobb ( in press ) and Margaret Lowenfeld ( in press ) . The completion of my own field work falls into three parts : ( 1 ) the publications on my ...
McPhee , Colin , A House in Bali . New York , Day , 1946 . “ Children and Music in Bali . ” In Childhood in Contemporary Cultures , Margaret Mead and Martha Wolfenstein , eds . , pp . 70–95 . . Mead , Margaret , “ Strolling Players in ...
The pigs can then be distributed in the form of porka valuable commodity — to friends and to ancestors ( who , the Tsembaga believe , will grant them strength and courage in return ) . Thus , this cultural practice of ritual pig feasts ...
Anthropologists are very interested in studying the relatively few hunter - gatherer societies that are still available for observation . These groups may help us understand some aspects of human life in the past , when all people were ...
Greenwich , Connecticut : JAI Press , Inc. Hesse , Mary B. 1961. Forces and Fields : The Concept of Action at a Distance in the History of Physics . London : Thomas Nelson and Sons . 1980. Revolutions and Reconstructions in the ...
... he included Cole , Kroeber , Lowie , Wissler , Haddon , Seligman , and the Viennese diffusionists ( LO , " Condensed Rept . ... colleagues on the relative importance of fieldwork and " source study " ( UC : JC / F . Cole 1/25/33 ) .
Wackernagel, M., and W. E. Rees. 1996. Our Ecological Footprint: Reducing Human Impact on the Earth. Gabriola Island, BC: New Society Publishers. Wackernagel, Mathis, Niels B. Schulz, Diana Deumling, Alejandro Callejas Linares, ...
Anthropology: Instructor's Manual