This book represents a new "earth systems" approach to catchments that encompasses the physical and biogeochemical interactions that control the hydrology and biogeochemistry of the system.
Draft Guidelines for the Selection of Methods to Determine Ecological Flows and Water Levels
Parkhurst, D.L., Plummer, L.N. and Thorstenson, D.C., 1980. PHREEQE — a computer program for geochemical calculations. U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigation 80-96. (Revised, 1985). Pearson, F.J., 1965.
... two reservoirs in series) and an interdisciplinary multi-year monitoring program was run to learn, control and forecast the system's performance (Rebhun et al, 1987; Juanico, 1989; Weber and Juanico, 1990; Azov and Juanico, 1991).
Wiley- Interscience, New York, pp 319-349 Sigg L, Stumm W(1994) Aquatische Chemie. TeubnerVerlag, Stuttgart, 498 pp Sigg L, Stumm W, Zobrist J, Zürcher F (1987) The chemistry of fog; factors regulating its composition.
The main purpose of this book is to integrate scientific knowledge related to exposure assessment, health consequences and control of nitrate contamination in water.
The third edition of Fundamentals of Hydrology provides an absorbing and comprehensive introduction to the understanding of how fresh water moves on and around the planet and how humans affect and manage the freshwater resources available ...
A New Zealand Perspective David P. Hamilton, Kevin J. Collier, John M. Quinn, Clive Howard-Williams ... Nat Methods 7:335–336 Chapman MA, Lewis MH, Winterbourn MJ (2011) Guide to the freshwater Crustacea of New Zealand.
Planted forests - despite being only seven per cent of the world's forest resources, have superseded naturally regenerating forests as the principal source of industrial wood products.
A global approach, offered in this book, encompasses systems from the arctic to the Antarctic, including warm-water systems in the tropics and subtropics and presents a unique and useful source for all those looking for contemporary case ...