Anatomy and Physiology
Montagna, W., and R. A. Ellis. 1957a. Histology and cytochemistry of human skin. XII. ... Montagna, W., H. Machida, and E. Perkins. 1966. The skin of primates. XXVIII. The stump-tail macaque (Macuca speciosu). Amer. I. Phys. Anthropol.
This book also emphasizes on various genetic and nongenetic alopecia types, differential diagnosis, and the measurement of hair loss. One chapter of the book is devoted to natural products for hair care and treatment.
"Physiology of the Skin, Third Edition, addresses the biochemistry and free radical damage that changes young skin into old skin, with a specific focus on both extrinsic and intrinsic issues, and provides an understanding of skin care ...
Physiology and Biochemistry of the Skin
A version of the OpenStax text
The Structure and Function of Skin, Third Edition is devoted to all matters pertaining to the structure and function of the skin. Drawing upon the accumulated data derived from embryology,...
This book is an interdisciplinary update offering a wide range of information on the subject. It covers new basic research on skin markers, including results on filaggrin and on methods for the assessment of the barrier function.
Minoura N, Aiba S, Higuchi M, Gotoh Y, Tsukada M, Imai Y. Attachment and growth of fibroblast cells on silk fibroin. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1995;208:511–6. Sofia S, McCarthy MBM, Gronowicz G, Kaplan DL.