Shows how to set up, operate, and manage a financially successful food-service operation. This book cover the process of a restaurant start-up and ongoing management, pointing out methods to increase chances of success, and showing how to avoid the many common mistakes that can doom a start-up.
Companion CD-ROM contains forms, checklists, charts, and more.
This comprehensive manual will show you step-by-step how to set up, operate, and manage a financially successful foodservice operation. Charts. Forms. Extensive Resource Guide. Six entirely new chapters, 480 pages,...
Another concern is that unhappy employees are not worried about your business. ... his annual salary. So retaining good, quality workers affects profitability and effectiveness. ... 382 The Non-Commercial Food Service Manager's Handbook.
Harvard Business Review. “Delegating with Confidence.” In Harvard Business Essentials: Manager's Toolkit. Boston: Harvard Business Review Press, 2004. ———. Delegating Work (20-Minute Manager Series). Boston: Harvard Business Review ...
This text covers the topics all restaurant managers must know to be successful in the industry.
Reveals techniques to control labor costs through scheduling and improving productivity of employees. Providing how-to information on accumulating, analyzing and reporting labor costs.
The books cover all the bases, providing clear explanations and helpful, specific information. All titles in the series include the phone numbers and web sites of all companies discussed.
CD-ROM contains: forms in PDF and a business plan in MS Word.
The customers you have will demand a product that is worth the higher price. When you charge the lowest price, your customers are very satisfied with the value for their money, but your profit margin has shrunk.
This is it--an extensive, detailed manual that shows you step by step how to set up, operate and manage a financially successful catering business.