417-2 STEVENS Walnut Hill No. 417-0 : single - shot lever - action ; .22 Hornet , .22 LR only ; .22 short only ; 28 " heavy barrel or 29 " extra - heavy ; uncheckered walnut target stock ; full pistol grip , beavertail forearm ; sling ...
The Gun Digest Book of Modern Gun Values features detailed specifications and current values from specialized experts for domestic and imported handguns, rifles, shotguns and commemorative firearms. 25,000 gun values 8,500 different guns 4 ...
The Gun Digest Book of Modern Gun Values: For Modern Arms Made from 1900 to Present
The book that has become the standard for valuing modern firearms is back in its ninth edition, covering the current values of all non-military guns introduced from 1900-1991.
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Civil War Collectibles , by Chuck Lawliss , Henry Holt and Co. , New York , NY , 1997. 316 pp . , illus . Paper covers . $ 22.95 A comprehensive guide to Union and Confederate arms , equipment , uniforms ...
The Gun Digest Book of Modern Gun Values
The "bible" of the firearms industry for accurate value information and descriptions of rifles, pistols, and shotguns. The industry standard for over 25 years!
The new 33rd Edition of the Blue Book of Gun Values by S.P. Fjestad has been expanded to 2,432 pages, easily making it the highest page count of any firearms book currently in print.
More than 15,000 firearms listings arranged by manufacturer. Current gun prices in six condition ratings from New to Poor. Hundreds of new firearm models and updated values.
The Gun Trader's Guide is a one-stop manual to buying collectible firearms. For more than half a century, this guide has been the standard reference for collectors, curators, dealers, shooters, and gun enthusiasts.
The Gun Digest Book of Classic Combat Handguns is an absolutely unique compilation of articles celebrating the greatest combat pistols of all time, as they originally appeared in the world's greatest firearms annual, Gun Digest, from 1944 ...