Offers parents and teachers advice on how to improve classroom curriculum and experiences for gifted children, discussing how schools can match programs to a student's specific needs, traits, and abilities.
Collect data to determine the type of gifted child you have; then make an education plan.Using questionnaires taken directly from "Re-Forming Gifted Education," the "Gifted Education Planner" is now available in a user-friendly format.
Using assessment forms taken directly from Re-Forming Gifted Education, the Gifted Education Planner is now available in a more user-friendly format.
The tracking and ability grouping debate. Dayton, OH: Fordham Foundation. This book provides a balanced review of research on full- time and part-time ability grouping across all ability groups. Mathews, D. J., & Foster, J. F. (2005).
Karen Rogers has my sincere appreciation for reviewing this manuscript and contributing to the book's content. Karen's research on instructional grouping practices provides a basis for restructuring gifted education, in general.
This unique book acknowledges and illuminates the reality that gifted students are from all backgrounds and that their talents transcend cultural, ethnic, and linguistic ties, handicapping condition,...
Formerly titled Empowering Gifted Minds: Educational Advocacy That Works, this book is the definitive manual on gifted advocacy for gifted students.
... T. R., 163, 195, 196, 205, 263 Mooney, J., 35 Moore, M., 101 Moral development, 2 Moran, S., 154 Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test, 59 Nakamura, J., 16 Natale, J., 107 National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), xvii, 23, 69, 83, ...
Each model encourages the candidate to assume a different role and by experiencing all models, the candidate will be well positioned to complete a week of whole-class teaching alone. For candidates in the gifted and talented education ...
Mathematics Assessment Resource Service (MARS), University of Nottingham and UC Berkeley. (2015). Mathematics Assessment Project CLASSROOM ... Oral storytelling and teaching mathematics: Pedagogical and multicultural perspectives ...
Specific assessments have been designed that measure creativity (Hunsaker & Callahan, 1995; Torrance, 1984), music and dance (Baum, Owen, &Ore , 1996; Ore , Owen, & Baum, 2003), visual arts (Clark, 2004), leadership (Oakland, ...