Raising a gifted child is both a joy and a challenge, yet parents of gifted children have few resources for reliable parenting information. The four authors, who have decades of professional experience with gifted children and their families, provide practical guidance in areas such as: Characteristics of gifted children, Peer relations, Sibling issues, Motivation and underachievement, Discipline Issues, Intensity, perfectionism, and stress, Idealism, unhappiness, and depression, Educational planning, Parenting concerns, Finding professional help. Book jacket.
Grandparents have the obligation to reinforce constructive values established by parents and to maintain a careful regard for the ultimate authority of the parents . Gifted children are quick to sense discrepancies in attitude .
Some common types of IQ tests that you might see are the Stanford-Binet, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), and the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (Kaufman ABC). The letters “IQ” stand for intelligence quotient.
This book has become a classic in the fields of gifted education and gifted psychology. For years, parents have referred to it as "the Dr. Spock book for parents of...
Karen Rogers has my sincere appreciation for reviewing this manuscript and contributing to the book's content. Karen's research on instructional grouping practices provides a basis for restructuring gifted education, in general.
This book offers a large menu of strategies, resources, organizations, tips, and suggestions for parents to find optimal learning opportunities for their kids, covering the gamut of talent areas, including academics, the arts, technology, ...
Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students: Helping Kids Cope With Explosive Feelings provides a much-needed resource for parents and educators for understanding of why gifted children are so extreme in their behavior and how to manage the ...
Defines giftedness and discusses special quirks and problems that arise living with a gifted child, from a lack of neatness to the "too-smart mouth," and explains how parents can find the right programs and make school as rewarding as ...
A follow-up to the best-selling Parenting Gifted Kids: Tips for Raising Happy and Successful Children, this new edition focuses on the social and emotional aspects of giftedness, highlighting new information on the issues of perfectionism, ...
Delisle, J. R. (1986). Gifted kids speak out: Hundreds of kids 6-13 talk about school, friends, their families, and the future. Minneapolis: Free Spirit Publishing. ... Giftedness and Disabilities Baum, S. M., Owen, S. V., Appendix 239.
Hundreds of ways to promote creativity and intellectual development--without pushing. Recommended by Head Start.