This report of proceedings provides transcripts of 14 speeches concerning collective bargaining in higher education. Conference themes were: unionized employment relations; and the economic, political, and legal issues of the 1990s that are viewed as being influential in the collective bargaining process. The speeches are as follows: "Union Employment Relationships in the 1990's," (John R. Stepp); "Mutual Gains Bargaining for Higher Education," (Raymond A. Friedman); "Negotiation Models for the 1990's," (Louis Stollar); "Retirement Options of the Future," (Clifton Wharton); "Faculty Compensation in the 1990's," (Arnold Cantor); "Salary Equity Four Cell," (Lois Haignere); "Health Care Cost Containment in the 1990's," (William Hembree); "Life in the Academy after University of Pennsylvania v. EEOC," (Ann H. Franke); "Confidentiality and the Tenure Review Process after University of Pennsylvania v. EEOC," (Mark D. Hopson); "Anti-Discrimination Law and Academic Freedom after University of Pennsylvania v. EEOC," (Charles Shanor); "Keeping Academics Out of Court: Judicial Responses to Faculty Litigation and How To Avoid It," (Barbara A. Lee); "Campus Bargaining and the Law: The Annual Update," (Nicholas DiGiovanni, Jr.); "Union's Role in Politics in the 1990's: Lobbying and Coalition Building," (G. Terry Madonna); and "Political Action and Public Sector Higher Education Unions: California and Hawaii--Two Success Stories," (VirginiaAnn G. Shadwick). References follow papers. (GLR)