Collective Bargaining in Higher Education: The 1990's. Proceedings of the Annual Conference (18th, New York, New York, April 23-24, 1990)

Collective Bargaining in Higher Education: The 1990's. Proceedings of the Annual Conference (18th, New York, New York, April 23-24, 1990)
Collective Bargaining in Higher Education
National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions, Baruch College, CUNY
City Univ. of New York, NY. Bernard Baruch Coll. National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions, National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions


This report of proceedings provides transcripts of 14 speeches concerning collective bargaining in higher education. Conference themes were: unionized employment relations; and the economic, political, and legal issues of the 1990s that are viewed as being influential in the collective bargaining process. The speeches are as follows: "Union Employment Relationships in the 1990's," (John R. Stepp); "Mutual Gains Bargaining for Higher Education," (Raymond A. Friedman); "Negotiation Models for the 1990's," (Louis Stollar); "Retirement Options of the Future," (Clifton Wharton); "Faculty Compensation in the 1990's," (Arnold Cantor); "Salary Equity Four Cell," (Lois Haignere); "Health Care Cost Containment in the 1990's," (William Hembree); "Life in the Academy after University of Pennsylvania v. EEOC," (Ann H. Franke); "Confidentiality and the Tenure Review Process after University of Pennsylvania v. EEOC," (Mark D. Hopson); "Anti-Discrimination Law and Academic Freedom after University of Pennsylvania v. EEOC," (Charles Shanor); "Keeping Academics Out of Court: Judicial Responses to Faculty Litigation and How To Avoid It," (Barbara A. Lee); "Campus Bargaining and the Law: The Annual Update," (Nicholas DiGiovanni, Jr.); "Union's Role in Politics in the 1990's: Lobbying and Coalition Building," (G. Terry Madonna); and "Political Action and Public Sector Higher Education Unions: California and Hawaii--Two Success Stories," (VirginiaAnn G. Shadwick). References follow papers. (GLR)

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