The Impact of Collective Bargaining on Higher Education: A Twenty Year Retrospective : Proceedings Twentieth Annual Conference, April 1992

The Impact of Collective Bargaining on Higher Education: A Twenty Year Retrospective : Proceedings Twentieth Annual Conference, April 1992
National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions, Baruch College, CUNY
National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions


This publication contains 17 papers on the impact of collective bargaining on higher education over the past 20 years. The papers are grouped in four sections on the state of unions in higher education, individual and collective rights in the academy, bargaining in the trenches, and overviews of past and present legal issues. The papers are: (1) "Robust Unionism and Unions in Higher Education" by Arthur B. Shostak; (2) "Can Collective Bargaining Help Institutions During a Period of Constrained Resources?" by T. Edward Hollander; (3) "Is Unionization Compatible with Professionalism?" by David M. Rabban; (4) "Changes in the U.S. System of Industrial Relations: Its Impact on Collective Bargaining in Higher Education" by James P. Begin; (5) "Unions in a Battered Academy" by Irwin H. Polishook; (6) "The Impact of the Constitutionalization of Higher Education on Collective Bargaining: Individual Rights vs. Collective Action" by David H. Rosenbloom; (7) "Professional and Legal Limits to Academic Freedom" by Walter P. Metzger; (8) "Academic Freedom: Are There Permissive Parameters to Free Speech in the Academy?" by Timothy Healy; (9) "Peer Review and the Union: Hero or Hostage?" by Barbara A. Lee; (10) "When Collective Bargaining Fails: An Academic Perspective" by David Kuechle; (11) "When Collective Bargaining Fails: A Management Perspective" by Thomas M. Mannix; (12) "Collective Bargaining Is the Name of the Game" by David Newton; (13) "Dispute Resolution in Higher Education Collective Bargaining" by Norman G. Swenson; (14) "The Employee Health Care Cost Crisis" by Michael R. McGarvey; (15) "Seminal Legal Developments of the Past Twenty-Five Years Affecting Higher Education Collective Bargaining" by Ann H. Franke; (16) "Twenty-Five Years of Seminal Legal Developments in Higher Education Collective Bargaining" by Woodley B. Osborne; and (17) "Campus Bargaining and The Law: The Annual Update" by James Cowden. (JB).