This collection of 25 papers addresses current issues related to collective bargaining in higher education. The papers include: (1) "Higher Education Today" (Keith Geiger); (2) "Political Correctness, Academic Freedom, and Academic Unionism: Introductory Comments" (Matthew Goldstein); (3) "Academic Freedom and Campus Controversies: Separating Repressive Strategies from Unpopular Ideas" (Linda Ray Pratt); (4) "The Impact of Clinton's Health Care Proposal on Higher Education" (VirginiaAnn Shadwick); (5) "Health Care Workers and Health Care Reform" (Dennis Rivera); (6) "The Fiscal and Political Stresses Plaguing Higher Education Today" (Sean Fanelli); (7) "Partnerships in Uncertain Times: The California State University and the California Faculty Association" (VirginiaAnne Shadwick); (8) "The Situation of Higher Education in Quebec: Some Thoughts on the Challenges Facing the Academic Union Movement" (Roch Denis); (9) "Recent Trends in Collective Bargaining in Canada" (Donald Savage); (10) "Patterns of Professional Evaluation and Assigned Duties in Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreements" (Ernst Benjamin); (11) "Faculty Roles and Rewards in the Context of Accountability" (Lawrence Gold); (12) "Collective Bargaining and Technology" (Christine Maitland); (13) "Lesbian and Gay Campus Organizing for Domestic Partner Benefits" (Lee Badgett); (14) "Making It Work: Scholarship, Employment, and Power in the Academy" (Michele Janette and Tamara Joseph); (15) "Workers/Teachers/Students: Graduate Student Employee Collective Bargaining at the University of Michigan" (Jon Curtiss); (16) "The Need for Law Reform" (Julius Getman); (17) "Some Key Differences Between U.S. and Canada Labor Law" (Kevin Banks); (18) "The Best We Can Be" (Daniel Seymour); (19) "Implementing Total Quality Management at a Community College: The Adventure and the Lessons Learned" (Susanna B. Staas); (20) "Public Relations and University Budgets: A Union Perspective" (Arnold Cantor); (21) "Public Relations and University Budgets: A CUNY Case Study" (Jay Hershenshon); (22) "Public Relations and University Budgets: The University of Connecticut Experience" (Edward Marth); (23) "Discussion of Supreme Court Decision in 'Harris v. Forklift Systems'" (Gwendolyn Young Reams); (24) "Campus Bargaining and the Law: The Management Perspective" (Nicholas DiGiovannia, Jr. and Susan Lipsitz); and (25) "Campus Bargaining and the Law: The AAUP's Perspective" (Ann H. Franke). (MDM)