Higher Education Collective Bargaining: Beyond the Boundaries. Proceedings of the Annual Conference (23rd, New York, NY, April 24-25, 1995)

Higher Education Collective Bargaining: Beyond the Boundaries. Proceedings of the Annual Conference (23rd, New York, NY, April 24-25, 1995)
National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions, Baruch College, CUNY
City Univ. of New York, NY. Bernard Baruch Coll. National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions, National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions


This collection of 17 papers addresses current issues related to collective bargaining in higher education and the professions. The papers include: (1) "The American Academic Model Abroad" (Irwin H. Polishook); (2) "The European Perspective" (Gerd Kohler); (3) "Economic Integration in the North American Region: Implications for Higher Education" (Hugo Aboites); (4) "The Revolution Is Being Televised: Distance Education and the University of Maine System" (Samuel J. D'Amico); (5) "Threats to Tenure: Rhetoric and Reality" (Mary Alice Burgan); (6) "Union Activism: The Response to Regression" (Solomon Barkin); (7) "Public Higher Education Funding in the Jaws of Balanced Budget Conservatism" (William E. Scheuerman and Sidney Plotkin); (8) "Funding Higher Education in a Global Economy" (Christine Maitland); (9) "Fiscal Realities in Higher Education" (Gordon K. Davies); (10) "Dealing with Sexual Harassment in the Academic Environment" (Cynthia Adams); (11) "Sexual Harassment and Academic Freedom: A Faculty Union Perspective" (Judith Anderson); (12) "Sexual Harassment and Academic Freedom" (Ralph S. Brown); (13) "Faculty Collective Bargaining at Historically Black Colleges and Universities" (Stephen L. Finner and Marcella A. Copes); (14) "The Changing Nature of Professionalism: The Case of the Police" (Barbara Raffel Price); (15) "Campus Bargaining and the Law: The Management Perspective" (Susan L. Lipsitz); (16) "Campus Bargaining and the Law: The AAUP's Perspective" (Ann H. Franke); and (17) "Employer Militancy in Professional Sports" (Ira Berkow and Eugene Orza). (MDM)

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