Curry , we thought , was powder of a single herb like paprika or inger . What a surprise to discover our Indian neighbor drying many spices in the sun for making curry : anise , bay leaves , cardamom , chili , cinnamon , clove , cumin ...
How to Get Lost and Found in Fiji 1987
a Spanish navigator who passed through the reef-island-studded strait in 1606, it is still headquarters for the famous Torres Strait pilots. Pearl luggers ride at anchor in its harbour. Once a flourishing industry, pearl diving like ...
John McDermott, John W. McDermott, Bobbye Lee Hughes McDermott ... 239 Eisenhower , Dwight D. , 40 Ellis , Judy , 170 Elvis Presley , ( see " Presley ” ) Emma , Queen , 52 Entertainers ( Hawaiian ) , 17-18 , 59 , Entertainment : Oahu ...
Briefly describes the city's history, identifies points of interest in each section of London, and offers advice on dining, shopping, entertainment, and accommodations
I mean, Vanuatu was glorious, don't get me wrong, but this place has a swim-up bar. ... The hotel they'd been told to wait at was definitely lush, but after his time in more isolated Vanuatu, Rick found Fiji a bit shiny.
Books in Print
10 May – Caqelai, Fiji Rather than leave a false and one-sided impression of Fiji based on my limited misadventures here, I should report that there is one small corner of this nation of islands, tiny Caqelai (pronounced “Thangalai”), ...
If you want to hike on the glacier , arrangements can be made through the Franz Josef Hotel for the proper equipment including boots , socks , alpen stocks . Besides having a raincoat , you should make sure you have a reservation ...
the best letters will receive a free copy of the Mr R Szili ( Aus ) , Christina Waschlco ( ? ) , next edition , or any other Lonely Planet book James Whalen ( Can ) , Mrs M D Williams of your choice . ( Fij ) , Clint Wilson ( ? ) ...
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