Features 35 exemplars of the Southern California Spanish Colonial Revival-style house.
The lessons of the book resonate today as the issues of protection of wildlife habitat versus unfettered development of land for human use are debated with increasing urgency. [ROYAL MARINES INSIGNIA] March 2003 ndash; Fighting alongside US ...
Evaluates the economic and political forces--from global to local--that have contributed to the buildup of inmates in the California correctional system, revealing why this state has led the way in a prison boom despite a crime rate that ...
And wherever good wine is made, you're likely to find a dog scouting the winery or vineyard. WINE DOGS CALIFORNIA is a large-format book and features over 120 wineries from the Golden State with stunning portraits of their loyal pooches.
California Romantica features the most important, yet rarely seen, residential exemplars of the California Mission and Spanish Colonial styles, by such noted architects as George Washington Smith, Wallace Neff, Richard Requa, Lilian Rice, ...
After logging wound down, those towns disappeared, and only remnants of their existence remain. From Westport north to Ferndale, this book showcases historical photographs from libraries, historical societies, and residents." -- From cover
A History of California and an Extended History of Los Angeles and Environs: Also Containing Biographies of Well-known Citizens of...
Inspired by the incredible local landscape and his food from the award-winning restaurant Fauna, star chef David Castro Hussong conducts a dreamy exploration of Baja cuisine featuring 60 recipes ranging from street food such as Grilled ...
A gripping and provocative debut novel by a stunning new talent, California imagines a frighteningly realistic near future, in which clashes between mankind's dark nature and deep-seated resilience force us to question how far we will go to ...
"Off-Trail Adventures in Baja California describes--and maps and illustrates--nine hikes on islands, along coastal outcrops, and other special places where geography, geology, and ecology meet in singular ways"--Provided by publisher.