... von Däniken affair , even much of the UFO interest asso- ciated with it , is , I think , very much like these movements . Only hindsight will give a good perspective on this point in American history , but the " we are not alone ...
Spirituality, Ancient Aliens, and Religious Yearnings in the Age of Extraterrestrials Ted Peters ... Postmodern Myth: A Sociological Study of the Transformation of Flying Saucer Rumor,” in Encyclopedic Sourcebook of UFO Religions, ed.
The story of the BSAP, where white and black officers were forced into a situation not of their own making, is critically examined.
... affairs . Von Daniken had also attributed the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah , related in the Bible , to these alien invaders . Even Moses was supposed to have been in touch with God , i.e. , space aliens , via the Ark of the ...
... affairs , to define small states ( e.g. , Vital , 1967 ; East , 1973 ; von Daniken , 1998 ) . Clarke and Payne ( 1987 ) and Braveboy - Wagner ( 2001 ) perhaps go too far to include micro - states in this definition , such as Fiji ...
... von Däniken is pretty wellknowinTurkey the whole affair would have ended up in the papers. Just imagine the headlines! The media thesedaysisa worldwide organism: the news about themurder attempt would travel from Turkeyto Germany and ...
AS SEEN ON ANCIENT ALIENS • Now in a beautiful 50th anniversary edition with a new foreword and afterword by the author, this is the groundbreaking classic that introduced the theory that ancient Earth established contact with aliens.
UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Contact Movement: The extraterrestrial contact movement
China's Foreign Affairs
... affairs . In my favorite segment , the host , Wendy Zukerman , interviewed the man himself : Erich von Däniken . While she was far more polite than I would've been , she pulled no punches : Wendy Zukerman : Are you the reason that ...