Air Force Combat Units of World War II
In the last decade of the twentieth century, today's United States Air Force marks the fiftieth anniversary of its part in a national effort that opposed a coalition of enemies...
United States Army Air Forces in World War 2. Summarizes the Army Air Forces (AAF) medical achievements that led to the creation of the Air Force Medical Service in...
United States Army Air Forces in World War 2. Details the roleof the Army Air Forces antisubmarine warfare, particularly in the European-African-Middle Eastern theater.
The Army Air Forces in World War II, Volume Six: Men and Planes
The Army Air Forces in World War II, Volume One: Plans and Early Operations, January 1939 to August 1942
Rpts., March 1944; Ftr. Comd. ... Fighter Command's figures exclude Allied losses in heavy and medium bombers. 76. ... War Diary, 2 Apr-25 July 1943; CM-IN-315 (7-1-43), COMAIRSOLS to COMAIRSOPAC, SCR 9 301311, 30 June 1943. 79.
With Courage: The U.S. Army Air Forces in World War II
The first single-volume history of the mightiest air armada the world has ever seen, from its creation to its triumph in WWII. Drawing on hundreds of newly available oral histories...