For Landlords and Tenants : with Forms Mark Warda. LEGAL SURVIVAL GUIDESTIVI NATIONAL TITLES Valid in All 50 States LEGAL SURVIVAL IN BUSINESS How to Form Your Own Corporation (2E) How to Register Your Own Copyright (2E) How to Register ...
Leasing 101 — use step-by-step guidance through the entire leasing process for both new leases and renewals Get negotiating — find plain English explanations of complex lease clauses and business terms that can affect your bottom line ...
Negotiating Commercial Real Estate Leases
Logically organized to follow the typical commercial real estate lease, each chapter takes you clause-by-clause through all of the issues you need to understand in order to represent clients effectively in commercial real estate ...
Thinking of Starting Your Own Business?
Tenants are often handed a long, dense lease with incomprehensible language and told to just sign it. Even if they’re unable to negotiate better terms, they need to understand the rules that they’re agreeing to play by.
Yet, it is a reality for millions of young people across North America. Cutting and Self-injury deals with self-harming behavior and the reasons why people do it. Directly and carefully written, this book discusses avoidance and treatment.
Commercial Real Estate Leases: Preparation and Negotiation
Lease Negotiation Handbook
All the information, advice & strategies you neet to evaluate commercial space; determine the real cost of renting; deal with landlords, brokers & lawyers; understand lease terms; negotiate advantageous terms and avoid common pitfalls.