This updated comprehensive training package helps middle school mathematics staff developers clarify the meaning of standards, evaluate assessments in terms of their alignment to standards, and plan student learning experiences that reflect standards-based teaching practices. Codeveloped by WestEd and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), this second edition contains the current NCTM Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, Grades 6-8. It includes updated resources and research on mathematics assessment, mathematics professional development, evaluation of professional development, and mathematics teaching and learning. Also provided are sample scripts for professional development sessions; blackline masters for handouts and transparencies; planning guides; assessment items from the Third International Math and Science Study and the National Assessment of Educational Progress; and a related PBSMathline®video.
Assessment for Learning is based on a two-year project involving thirty-six teachers in schools in Medway and Oxfordshire.
James, M., McCormick, R., Marshall, B., Pedder, D., & Carmichael, P. (2005, October). Learning how to learn—In classrooms, schools, and networks [Research report]. doi:10.13140/2.1.2092.6242 McMillan, J. H. (2013).
Rather than looking at assessment from a technical perspective, this book links it to the context in which it is most important: learning.
It features: - New chapters on e-assessment, the learner′s perspective on assessment and learning and the influence of assessment on how we value learning - Teacher-friendly assessment topics - Practical examples and chapter summaries ...
" Steve Munby, Chief Executive, National College for School Leadership, UK This book deals with formative assessment, that is, assessment designed to inform and enhance learning, rather than simply produce test results and qualifications.
Using clear explanations and cases, this must-have resource shows how formative assessment can improve student learning. Included are lesson plans and ideas for easy implementation.
This open access book presents contemporary perspectives on the role of a learning society from the lens of leading practitioners, experts from universities, governments, and industry leaders.
Harlen, W. and James, M. (1996) The impact of assessment on learning, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of ... Modbury, Devon: Modbury Marketing Ltd. Murphy, R. and Torrance, H. (1988) The Changing Face of Educational Assessment.
This book: links the biggest ever research project on teaching strategies to practical classroom implementation champions both teacher and student perspectives and contains step by step guidance including lesson preparation, interpreting ...
Claire Howell Major is Professor of Higher Education at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. She teaches courses on college teaching, technology in higher education, reading research in the field of higher education, ...