Dr Jean Price-Mars, educated and trained in political and educational positions in Haiti and France, became one of its leading nationalists in the twentieth century.
"Less than a full biography of Haiti's charismatic nationalist leader and most gifted 20th-century writer, this volume covers period that includes publication of Ainsi parla l'oncle (1928) up to his political defeat as president following ...
The goal of this book is fourfold: it explores the contributions of Jean Price-Mars to Haitian history and culture, it studies Price-Mars' engagement with Western history and the problem of the "racist narrative," it interprets Price-Mars' ...
The goal of this book is fourfold: it explores the contributions of Jean Price-Mars to Haitian history and culture, it studies Price-Mars’ engagement with Western history and the problem of the “racist narrative,” it interprets Price ...
So Spoke the Uncle
Jean Price-Mars (1876 - 1969), médecin haïtien, ethnographe, pédagogue, historien, homme politique, panafricaniste, était un intellectuel dominant dans les études d'histoire et de la culture haïtienne, qui a appelé à réévaluer les ...
In 1982, Harvard-trained ethnobotanist Wade Davis traveled into the Haitian countryside to research reports of zombies--the infamous living dead of Haitian folklore.
So Spoke the Uncle
The Idea and Representation of Vodou in Haitian Imagination Celucien L. Joseph, Nixon S. Cleophat. Monroe, J. Cameron. ... Murray, Thomas R. Roots of Haiti's Vodou-Christian Faith: African and Catholic Origins.
"This is the first paperback edition of the only English-language translation of the Haitian scholar Antnor Firmin's The Equality of the Human Races, a foundational text in critical anthropology first published in 1885 when anthropology was ...