Presents systems for remembering the states and their capitals, Presidents of the United States, and the multiplication tables. Also presents techniques for remembering spelling and vocabulary words.
Chick - cargo is a sounds like for Chicago , and mitten symbolizes 312. Now associate . You could see a cargo of chicks being driven into a huge woolen mitten . Philadelphia's area code is 215 , which transposes to the word needle .
This stylish and idiosyncratic volume provides all the tools and tips you need to help you hone your memory, to enrich your life and impress your friends!
“ Just hand all of your material over to Wallace , who will make the final decision . She'll be back to you on Thursday . ” Wallace ? You look blankly at the three female faces in the room .
Tall Poppyship: Be Crocodiles Not Waterlillies
Dominic O'Brien, 8 times world memory champion's, quick and easy tips for remembering all important facts and figures as well as heaps of trivia know-how.
Gembira belajar dengan peta minda
But the book doesn't only work for kids. It will do the trick for grown-ups, too--if they're smart enough. Read through it & in twenty minutes you'll know all the Presidents. You'll never forget them.
"Packed with mind-boggling, synapse-straining, super-fun memory games, this book is a wonderful way to give your mental muscles a work-out! Perfect for puzzlers aged 6 and up."--Publisher
This book shows you how your brain sorts, records and finds information and how ancient memory techniques as well as other mind skills work to make remembering fun.