"In 1937 the Public Archives of Nova Scotia published a list of land grants, warrants, and escheats in Nova Scotia made to refugees from the American Revolution.
"In 1937 the Public Archives of Nova Scotia published a list of land grants, warrants, and escheats in Nova Scotia made to refugees from the American Revolution .
Whereabouts of Some American Refugees, 1784-1800: Surnames
"In 1937 the Public Archives of Nova Scotia published a list of land grants, warrants, and escheats in Nova Scotia made to refugees from the American Revolution.
"In 1937 the Public Archives of Nova Scotia published a list of land grants, warrants, and escheats in Nova Scotia made to refugees from the American Revolution.
Jones , Orlo and Doris Haslam . An Island Refuge : Loyalists and Disbanded Troops on the Island of Saint John ( Summerside , PE : Abegweit Branch of the United Empire Loyalist Association of Canada , 1983 ) . Jones , Orlo .
This scarce work encompasses all surviving information on the nearly 10,000 Loyalists who were eligible for land in Nova Scotia.
Books in Print
A History of the Rectangular Survey System
Col. and Mrs.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations.