"In 1937 the Public Archives of Nova Scotia published a list of land grants, warrants, and escheats in Nova Scotia made to refugees from the American Revolution.
"In 1937 the Public Archives of Nova Scotia published a list of land grants, warrants, and escheats in Nova Scotia made to refugees from the American Revolution .
Whereabouts of Some American Refugees, 1784-1800: Surnames
"In 1937 the Public Archives of Nova Scotia published a list of land grants, warrants, and escheats in Nova Scotia made to refugees from the American Revolution.
"In 1937 the Public Archives of Nova Scotia published a list of land grants, warrants, and escheats in Nova Scotia made to refugees from the American Revolution.
Jones , Orlo and Doris Haslam . An Island Refuge : Loyalists and Disbanded Troops on the Island of Saint John ( Summerside , PE : Abegweit Branch of the United Empire Loyalist Association of Canada , 1983 ) . Jones , Orlo .
This scarce work encompasses all surviving information on the nearly 10,000 Loyalists who were eligible for land in Nova Scotia.
Books in Print
A History of the Rectangular Survey System
Col. and Mrs.