Lists the names, addresses, characteristics, and functions of associations, enterprises, museums, publications, educational facilities, and services related to American Indian affairs.
"The ... Reference Encyclopedia of the American Indian is divided into four main sections. The first section contains source listings.
Reference Encyclopedia of American Indian
A comprehensive, illustrated encyclopedia which provides information on over 150 native tribes of North America, including prehistoric peoples.
The Encyclopedia of the American Indian in the Twentieth Century provides a comprehensive overview of this dramatic process through profiles of key individuals, organizations, government policies, and events that have defined Native history ...
From the origins of Native American cultures through the years of colonialism and non-Native expansion to the present, Encyclopedia of American Indian History brings the story of Native Americans to life like no other previous reference on ...
First Published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Indians of the interior Cordillera , howSubarctic natives generally used animal parts as ever , did not actually encounter non - natives until the ... The fur liberally from neighbors , such as Northwest Coast trade became the basis of ...
A reference guide to Native American history, culture, and life contains contributions by more than 260 experts, and includes articles on present-day community life, treaties, and the status of women
American Indian customs, stories, and history come to life in this important and authoritative reference, artfully designed and packaged for kids and students.